Simplifying daily operational tasks is usually the focus of a business when they look to install software. It's easy to automate regular tasks, get rid of some of the manual chores and feel that you have accomplished something because you spend less time letting your business run you, and now have time to run your business (or better yet more personal time).
And you have, you've freed up time and can now spend that recovered time doing other things -- personal life, marketing, thinking about the future, and planning. But planning should be part of any successful business owner's process. With our latest release, you now have the ability to do planning and management right in our Home Watch Application for Method:CRM.
For this initial planning release, we've broken up the planning into 3 pieces:
1- Overall forecasting of revenue
2- Planning your Series renewals over the coming year (or whatever period of time you wish)
3- Adapting your plan to match your daily work patterns (route planning)
Oh yeah...we've also added a few other tasty enhancements in this release that aren't planning related...more on those below.
Overall Forecasting of Revenue
All of your work orders will map out so that you can see how your revenue trends look (as well as the number of work orders as that dictates the amount of work).

Planning All Work for the Upcoming Year
You can plan ahead with a few simple button pushes. Create your annual (or whatever period) work plan in minutes with our latest enhancements.

Now Easily Manage That Plan By Route
You probably want to do a particular neighborhood on a particular day of the week,and vary that day of the week each week too. Now it's easy to plan by neighborhood (or Route) and assign which day of the week you are going to work that Route. The system will automatically update all work orders to match the dates you've selected.

With the above you'll have a better handle on your business today and in the future. Also, rest assured that we're not done with planning additions. Each of the above came as the result of input from our valued clients and once they've started using the tools, we know there will be feedback that will drive these tools further.
Other enhancements in this release include:
Sliding Dates when changing Work Order dates. We've been asked by our clients that when you move a Work Order's date, that all future occurrence also move forward that number of days. It's now there in a simple checkbox when changing dates.

See the QuickBooks Invoice number on each Work Order. Remember that our system is fully synchronized with QuickBooks. Once Work Orders are invoiced and synchronized with QuickBooks, QuickBooks returns the assigned invoice number which is now displayed on each Work Order. This feature will make it much easier to track what got invoiced where!

Add an automatic Pre-Guest Work Order for your RBO properties. If you manage RBOs and want a quick Work Order added to your schedule advising you of guest arrivals (to use for preparation or meet and greets), you can do so with a simple checkbox on the RBO Reservation Entry screen.
Report Links in the Work Order system. In preparation for our upcoming Integrated Reporting release, all work orders can have a link assigned to view the Home Visit Report directly in the Method system. If you are using the Home Watch IT Reporting system, it will be an automatic process. If you're using iAuditor you'll need to paste the report link manually but it will remain for future reference. All of these links are also available on the Customer Portal screen so that a customer can view past reports while checking on upcoming schedules.
Updated videos and videos specific to the Planning functionality will be added to our customer video library in the near future.
For more information on the above, or to see the product live, please contact us at or (214) 461-0166.