Our new Planning functionality is designed to make it easy to manage ongoing Series renewals, Occurrences Creation, and then scrubbing those into route with easy-to-change date revisions.
The Route Planning screen is designed for making sure that all properties in a neighborhood, or Route, are scheduled to be visited on a particular date. The dates can vary week over week so that you can add a bit of randomness to your visits.
You enter the Route Planning screen by choosing the menu link at the top right of the Planning screen.

Once in, you'll see the overall Route Planning screen, listing all of your Routes on the left side. Your date columns will not be initially filled in, but that's OK as that's the next step:

The idea behind this screen is to allow you to plan the next 6 weeks' dates, as most people do their route planning or calendaring on a monthly basis. Each week will start with the Sunday date depending on the date you enter at the top. So, enter the date you wish to start, usually the first Sunday in a month block. In this case I want to plan October so I put in the Sunday date of 9/30. Note that if you don't put in a Sunday date the system will force it to a Sunday for you.

Each of the six weeks will be populated with the respective week start dates. It's now up to you to tell the system which day that week you plan to visit homes on that Route. The rightmost column, labeled 6+ will also assign all future dates to that same day of the week.

After you've made the date selections -- press the button to Save Date Changes. Once you do, the Process Work Orders button will be enabled:

Make sure you select the checkboxes on the routes you wish to modify before pressing the Process button. Once you do, all of the work orders on properties for that route will be changed to the dates you selected.
An important note: any work orders that are OneTime work orders, or any work orders defined by an RBO Series, will not be affected by the day of week change, as those work orders are controlled by concierge visit schedules and guest check-out times. You wouldn't want those to be automatically adjusted. Series that are defined by the Daily frequency are also not modified as you may have multiple visits during a week.
Your monthly planning process just got a lot easier and faster!