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Great Enhancements Released - Version 2.03

Gary Hawton

Today we are pleased to announce the latest release of the Home Watch App for Method:CRM. Based on the great feedback we receive from our clients, the following will improve your business workflow and overall program functionality. We appreciate the continued support in making our software the most complete and fully-functional software available to manage your home watch business!

We've begun inserting these changes to your systems and should be complete next week.

Integrated Reporting

We now have a second reporting option which is built straight into our Home Watch App. This part of the release is going through a beta testing phase before general release and we are accepting applications to help us with the testing.

The advantages to Integrated Reporting is that everything is part of the existing work order system and easy to access. Note that iAuditor will continue to be offered as there are certain instances where iAuditor is a better fit for the client's needs than the Integrated Reporting. Only Home Watch IT offers multiple options based on the client's needs and requirements!

More info will be forthcoming as we progress through beta.

Reporting Links With Every Work Order

Even if you keep using iAuditor as your reporting tool, you now have the ability to reference and call your iAuditor reports directly in the Home Watch App or in the customer's portal. If you elect to turn this feature on, you will see a "Report" link column which, when clicked, will open the client's report in a new tab on your browser.

Route Technician App Workflow

Workflow features have been added to the Route Technician App, so that while you or your staff are out in the field they can make notes for later follow up. These notes can be as simple as a reminder to bill the client for a battery change or perhaps a reminder to schedule a plumber to address a situation.

When the administrator views the Work Order List, a large red pop-up will appear if there are new entries made out in the field.

A special section below the Work Order List will show all of the notes made by your route technicians and allow the administrator to take action on each by either creating a new Method Activity entry or a new Work Order based off of the technician's notes. All notes and customer info will carry forward to the new Activity or Work Order automatically making it easy to manage your business flow.

Work Order Occurrences Processing

Adding and changing occurrences is now easier by the addition of daily (or any number of days) entry to the existing weekly/bi-weekly/monthly options. An additional checkbox is now on the screen to delete existing occurrences within a range when creating new ones, and finally a pop-up box will appear before creating the sequence of occurrences telling you exactly what is going to be added before they are added.

The flexibility provided is now very advanced! We are putting together a separate blog just on this feature and how to get the most mileage from it. Look for it on our website blog page as well as Facebook in the next week.

Other Small Changes

Several of our screens have been modified so the screen display will resize/respond better when used on mobile devices. The Customer screen has been overhauled so that all of the details of the customer are easily viewable on any device: laptop/desktop, tablet or smartphone.

The ability to email a report to housekeepers for all properties at one time is now available. On the RBO List screen, select the new button to email all housekeepers and a section will appear allowing you to select a range of dates to email. The default range will be from your "As of" date forward 90 days.

Save Time, Save Money, Grow!

By utilizing the additional processes, you can save even more time managing your business, allowing you to spend time away from administrative tasks and directed to tasks that help your business or your personal life.

For more details, or to see a product demonstration, please call us at (214) 461-0166.


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Home Watch IT    |    (214) 461-0166

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